They say opposites attract, but more often they hate each other. Just like how scrawny kids hate jocks, a lot of resentment comes from where different identities are on the food chain.
Even if you have had a perfect reputation in the past, one misstep can make you the villain. Sometimes, even minding your own business and being nice to everyone rubs people the wrong way. Here we take a look at two groups that couldn’t be more opposite from one another. Depending on how closely you follow the sport, you may be in for a surprise with some of these reputations.
Model Students
Robert Whittaker
These are your clean-cut, straight-edge, always smiling type of students. George St. Pierre has more sex-appeal than Rob, but they both are pretty well dressed. Recently Robert was said to have been a better version of St. Pierre, but Whittaker’s grades have really been slipping lately. Lots of people believed he was one of the greatest talents to this day.
A post shared by Robert Whittaker (@robwhittakermma) on Apr 10, 2020 at 2:27am PDT
Turns out he was just another talented guy that believed his own hype. He is still skilled, but pride always comes before the fall. One thing is for sure, many students are very bitter about Whittaker’s demise. Rob on the other hand has his country’s support, and his wife is a stunner. He doesn’t need us to cheer him up.
A post shared by Robert Whittaker (@robwhittakermma) on Dec 16, 2019 at 2:47pm PST
George St. Pierre
St. Pierre got off to a rocky start at first, but has been perfect ever since. If there is one thing St. Pierre could teach Robert Whittaker, it would be how to maintain one’s humility when forming a game plan. Every true test must be prepared for with reverence even if you are one of the best and the brightest.
Why did @GeorgesStPierre and the other fighters of Jackson's MMA pinch their nipples before fights?@arielhelwani got to the bottom of it by asking GSP just that 😅 — ESPN MMA (@espnmma) April 15, 2020
Many questions whether a hoodlum named Khabib Nurmagomedov is a better fighter than George. The more people say it, the more frustrating it might be for a legend like St. Pierre not to answer the challenge to his legacy. Everything ese about his life is pretty much perfect. Unfortunately, there is always someone who hates the kid that everyone loves. For George it was Nick Diaz.
Tyron Woodley
I came from Brazil for the first time and had nobody here in America. My first fight for Strikeforce his family was the only ones I could hear from the crowd. We have been friends since that moment until today. 9 years later. Also…his beard smells good. 🙏🏼 parceiro @TWooodley — Amanda Nunes (@Amanda_Leoa) May 17, 2019
Tyron Woodley was a paragon of integrity when he was climbing through the ranks. He always gave it his all and never took anything from anyone: money, spotlight, anything. He rarely cursed if ever until around 2017, and is a family man for sure.
A post shared by Tyron Woodley (@twooodley) on Mar 20, 2020 at 6:02pm PDT
Tyron is that kid that always behaved himself and tried their hardest but is now rebelling because that is the only way they feel people will acknowledge them. All Tyron needed while he was champion was for a few more people at UFC High to say, “You’re working hard Tyron, you’re doing well Tyron, we notice you Tyron.” That never happened and now he seems to be reacting to how people have treated him in the past. Instead everybody hated on him for trying to get the most out of his UFC experience.
A post shared by Tyron Woodley (@twooodley) on Feb 3, 2020 at 5:08pm PST
This man never cheated on anything or anyone. He has a high IQ, crazy athletic talent and beard grooming that is unrivaled. GSP is the greatest Welterweight ever. Tyron is a close second and much closer to GSP’s greatness than Robert Whittaker ever was.
The Hoodlums
Every school has kids that had a rougher upbringing than everyone else. Because of their backgrounds, they cause and get into trouble. These hoodlums just never seem to learn their lesson.
Diaz Brothers
A post shared by Diaz Brothers (@diazbrothers209) on Oct 16, 2019 at 4:09pm PDT
The Diaz brothers together may be the unruliest entity in the entire sport. The older brother Nick would transfer schools a lot and had trouble making friends. Most people really like them, but sometimes they cause a bit of trouble with the other students. Beefing with either brother means beefing with both brothers, Gilbert Melendez, Jake Shields and whoever they are with when they see. The whole school knows that you can get these hands at the lunch table, you can get these hands in the park, you can get these hands in the classroom as a matter of fact. These guys will jump you right in front of the faculty.
Amazingly, the Strikeforce: Nashville brawl happened 10 years ago today(!). One of the most infamous MMA moments of all time, and it all happened on CBS. It also produced one of the more memorable quotes in the sport’s history: “Sometimes these things happen in MMA.” — Ariel Helwani (@arielhelwani) April 17, 2020
When they aren’t causing trouble, they are honest and endearing. Nick and Nate are a breath of fresh air. Even principal Dana never stays mad at those guys and they are literally always causing a ruckus. Nick got expelled for smoking weed, but then the Board of Education took it back because they were just kidding. Nate was Nick’s little brother for the longest. Now all of the underclassmen act like Nick never even existed. The fans love these boys, they are just going through a rebellious phase.
Mike Perry
Hoodlum number two is Mike Perry. Mike Perry’s nickname is Platinum, and when you finally see him, it all makes sense. Mike Perry is known for his vibrant personality, ethnic uncertainty, cheating on his girlfriend and penchant for violence. Other than that, he’s a swell young man. He enjoys talking to teachers before school and look walks on the beach.
A post shared by Platinum Mike Perry (@platinummikeperry) on Mar 26, 2020 at 1:57am PDT
Interestingly enough, Mike Perry used to be study partners with Jon Jones. That is quite the duo of repeat offenders. Perry has had a very publicized relationship with his partner, ‘The Platinum Princess’ and to many she is quite the looker.
A post shared by Platinum Mike Perry (@platinummikeperry) on Jun 21, 2019 at 12:19am PDT
Guys in bars must like her a whole lot, because in December 2017, Perry told TMZ that he had KO’d someone for hitting on his girlfriend in front of him. That’s probably better than insulting her, but Colby Covington probably did not get the memo.
Colby Covington
Possibly the most insufferable in the whole school is Colby Covington. Colby is that, (say anything I want to you, but don’t touch me, my dad’s a lawyer) type of kid. Except he can’t afford the loud shorts. Picture this guy, but in high school.
Frat Guys Are ASSHOLES 😂😂😂😂 — DRUSKI (@Druski2Funny) April 2, 2020
He definitely never touched Kyle Roggers’ girlfriend. He probably gave her a valentine, she vomited in her mouth a little, then he told the whole school that rumor. That’s the type of character he has. He called Mike Perry’s girlfriend a “horse face”. Then he called Khabib a sheep lover, and no, not in the PETA kind of way.
Hey @PlatinumPerry, maybe having your ratchet horse faced girlfriend as your head trainer isn't the smartest idea on planet earth. But hey, when you're the product of cousins fucking in Ocala FL how strong can your decision making skills be? #UFCOrlando — Colby Covington (@ColbyCovMMA) February 25, 2018
He has the audacity to disrespect Joanna and other female students in various ways. Honestly, the only way to know how bad he is, is to see for yourself.
A post shared by colbycovington (@colbycovmma) on Mar 7, 2020 at 9:44am PST
Rose Namajunas
Rose Namajuanas’ nickname is ‘Thug’. She is really sweet and quiet, but is someone who has been through a lot. Usually promotes positivity and love but she will steal your ass for talking slick. Joanna found out the hard way that Rose was just the wrong one to try to punk at the lunch table.
A post shared by Rose Namajunas (@rosenamajunas) on Mar 29, 2020 at 9:04pm PDT
Rose admitted to being perpetually anxious, and Joanna started getting in her face, calling her fragile and mentally unstable etc. A lot of people looked up to Joanna, so it was tough to watch it all unfold.
Khabib Nurmagomedov
Khabib is the kid from school who is secretly mischievous but has strict parents. The Nurmagomedov family is super religious and Khabib is obedient to his father, but acts out because that is who he is. He has scaled back the trash talk for sure, but he still gets in brawls with the Diaz brothers, Conor McGregor and who knows who else. If nothing else, the lightweight champion is a man of honor, but that does not mean he is well behaved. Recently he was adopted as the savior of political correctness after defeating Conor McGregor. But this is a misinterpretation of Khabib’s personal frustration toward a rival that taunted his principals. Here is the PC savior the pubic heralds.
Miesha Tate was not happy with Khabib at all. Khabib’s fans said that the media took that out of context. There is literally a compilation of Khabib refusing to shake hands with women on YouTube. Conor did throw a dolly at Khabib through a bus window, but that was after Khabib punked Conor’s well-known BFF and MMA Twitter’s consensus GOAT Artem Lobov. While no punches were thrown, Khabib did surround Artem bully-style and then slap the back of his neck.
Between men, this is a huge violation. Usually Khabib is actually decently behaved, but he can be incorrigible for sure. published a story that some of Khabib’s affiliates got into an argument with Artem Lobov and a man named Rasul Mirzaev at a club in Moscow. These affiliates proceeded to wait at that Rasul’s house, shoot him several times, beat him with a bat and choke him with chains.
Catch part three coming soon! Next up: teaching staff, foreign exchange students and popular kids! ■
Follow Thurman Foreman and Johann Castro on twitter
Cover photos courtesy of Robert Whittaker, George St-Pierre, Tyron Woodley, Diaz Brothers, Mike Perry, Rose Namajunas, Khabib Nurmagomedov, and Colby Covington via Instagram.
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